I suppose many people get the urge to clean house in the Springtime--that whole sense of rebirth, renewal and promise for Summer. I happen to feel it most in Autumn. I hereby confess that although I moved into my lovely new place here on the South Hill of Spokane 5 months ago, I have STILL not organized and finished unpacking. In fact, I will further disclose that most of my place is entirely covered with the chaos and clutter of my stuff. I am ready at last to tackle the task at hand and motivated by the desire that comes every year at this time for a cozy, warm place to reside in, a space that is both sacred and nourishing to my entire being.
I also have a sense of the internal clutter that takes place: To-do lists that inevitably seem never to get accomplished, frustration at my own physical and mental limits, and a propensity toward giving in to the exhaustion that comes with not allowing for a tidy "inner space." In the same way that I long to have an immaculate house, so, too am I aware that my home could be spotless and the "clutter" in my body and mind would still leave me scattered and drained.
The time has come to De-clutter!
I hear my body requesting (rather loudly at times) to be nourished with cleaner, healthier foods. Now that I have re-located, I am in a FREE delivery zone for the produce boxes I have purchased in the past from a local C.S.A., Fresh Abundance. During the warm months, it was easy enough (theoretically) to walk around the corner to the Farmers' Market and pick up fresh produce each week. Now that the Market has closed down for the season and my schedule has picked up, I realize how unlikely it is that I will make the time and trip to purchase local, organic fruits and veggies. In fact, more likely than not I'll either swing the big bucks for some unsatisfying, not-in-season varieties of tasteless produce from the grocer, or just skip the fresh stuff altogether.
Fresh Abundance's produce boxes offer a sizable amount of organic, mostly local, and seasonal fruits and veggies for $35/box, delivered right to your door in many locations around Spokane. Because I am only one person, I don't ever go through one box per week (and rarely even in two). I like the convenience of having delivery as an option (especially since I don't drive), and the added bonus that I am introduced to new items I may not necessarily have tried on my own. It is exciting to come up with new recipes and new takes on old ones using the fresh ingredients that come right to my door. In addition, Fresh Abundance is making some changes to their business to include more ready-to-eat/ready-to-prepare options for take-out or dining-in. I am excited at the transformation they are undergoing, and especially thrilled for the gluten-free pizzas in their new pizza oven!
I also find myself fighting that sluggish, lethargic feeling, which often comes during season changes (with the addition of other health challenges added to that). The need to intentionally and purposefully get my body moving is ever present. I am excited to get back to the gym and back to a more consistent Yoga practice and routine.
It has been lovely to catch up with some good friends. Walks in the park, warm cups of cocoa, and dinners with wine at home have all brought to my attention just how blessed I am to be surrounded by so many loving and compassionate people. My friends nourish my soul as much as clean eating and active movement nourishes my body.
There are days when my best intentions fail to match up with what actually transpires. However, the other day I found myself feeling grateful for the fact that I missed the bus and chose to walk in the rain! I could have grown frustrated with myself for not moving faster, but what a luxury that I had the time and freedom to take the longer route. It was in this time that I observed the beauty of all the color and texture Autumn brings. It was during my trek that I noticed the gentleness of rain landing softly on my forehead. It was on the sidewalk that I came to appreciate the kindness that people in my neighborhood have toward one another.
It was later that same day I came to a stop at a local cafe and checked my Facebook account. A friend had just posted a question: "what are you thinking about right now?" I was totally busted and totally aware that my thoughts were a giant, cluttered cycle of negativity and frustration. Instead of allowing that to continue, or even stopping to judge it, I took a deep breath, sipped my tea, and fessed up! I wondered to myself how often I get in these unhelpful thought cycles and don't even notice it. It is during these times that my energy is drained, that I make a mindless food choice which leaves me feeling nauseated and achy, or that I completely miss the beauty of the rain on an Autumn afternoon. So, here is my new To-do list:
1. Look.
2. Listen.
3. Notice.
4. Breathe, Be, Accept.
5. Smile & REPEAT!
And so, I challenge you just as I do myself: What is the status of your own personal clutter? What are you thinking about right now?
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