It's hard to believe February is already here. Here in Spokane, the ground is frozen and temperatures downright frigid. Across the country, snow is piling high and deep. It is around this time that stores start to stock up on all things Spring, and yet with one step outside I am still very much in the Winter mindset. However, this time of year also brings about the Jewish holiday of Tu B'Shevat (which fell on January 19th this year). This is a holiday that celebrates the new year of trees--the original Earth Day, so to speak. It marks the reemergence of life after winter dormancy in the early-blooming trees in Israel.
Why do we begin to think about Spring when the ground is still frozen in winter slumber? Additionally, it is easy this time of year to crave that same sense of stillness and hibernation--especially when the sun is not even up yet in the early mornings! It is especially in these times that the old phrase "Rise and Shine" becomes more vital to my day than ever. That is why my focus in Yoga practice for this month is not one pose, but a series of poses known as the Sun Salutation. Morning practice and morning rituals in general can have a major effect on how your day evolves. Read this article by the folks over at Yoga Journal to learn more about this series of eight postures that, put together, invigorate and warm the body and mind.
I am off to tend to my own morning rituals as I welcome the gift of this new day. What are some of your morning traditions?
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